Our Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Educator, Laura Stanton, has always had a passion for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) work. She loves being a resource and encouraging people to notice and talk about the differences that exist in our world. Many people were told NOT to notice differences, and therefore, are not comfortable or equipped with the tools and the skills to have conversations about differences. We need to change this mindset! If we start by recognizing all the ways we are similar, it's a bit easier to find room in our hearts and our minds to talk about differences, be more respectful of differences, and honor and celebrate the things that make us unique. Call or email Laura and she can help design a training workshop to get these important conversations started.
DEI-Related Articles Written By Laura M. Stanton:
Stanton, L.M, Lobb, J.M, and Brady, S.D. (2024). Book clubs as a racial literacy strategy. Journal of the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, 95-101. Available at: https://neafcs.memberclicks.net/assets/documents/journal/2023-jneafcs/Book%20Clubs%20as%20a%20Racial%20Literacy%20Strategy.pdf
Stanton, Laura M.; Taylor, Leo M.; Lobb, Jenny M.; Holmes, Pat; Brady, Steve; and Scruggs, Imani (2022) "Book Review: Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? and Other Conversations About Race," Journal of Youth Development: Vol. 17: Iss. 3, Article 10. DOI: 10.34068/JYD.17.03.10. Available at: https://tigerprints.clemson.edu/jyd/vol17/iss3/10