Southwestern Ohio Beekeeper School
Click on the bold title of the class topic to access the materials.
Equipment Basics Amanda Bennett Ohio State University Extension, Miami County
The Private Life of Bees: How Bees Sense their World Denise Ellsworth Ohio State University, Department of Entomology
Beekeeping Year 2
Larry Johnson Butler County Beekeeper
Bee Basics Amanda Bennett Ohio State University Extension, Miami County
Trees for Bees Denise Ellsworth Ohio State University, Department of Entomology
Swarm Trapping 101 Randy Smith Clermont County Beekeeper
How to Successfully Install Packages and Nucs Kevin Kress Butler County Beekeeper
Varroa Mites & Small Hive Beetles – Big Threats to Hive Survival Alex Zomchek Certified Master Beekeeper Instructor, Butler County
Turning Your Beekeeping Hobby into a Business Trevor Corboy & Gigi Neal Ohio State University Extension
Creating Colony Strength & Health for First Winter Survival Kevin Kress Butler County Beekeeper
The Future of Beekeeping Alex Zomchek Certified Master Beekeeper Instructor, Butler County
How to Extract Honey Ray Babcock Hamilton County Beekeeper