January 3, 2018 - 9:48am -- delp.4@osu.edu

Registration is now open for this annual and newly expanded event. 

The ​Southern Ohio ​Specialty ​Crop ​Conference ​is ​the ​most ​diverse ​training ​opportunity ​for ​specialty ​crop ​growers ​in ​Southern ​Ohio. ​An ​a ​la ​carte ​menu ​of ​classes ​allows ​participants ​to ​pick ​and ​choose ​throughout ​the ​day, ​finding ​topics ​that ​interest ​them ​most. ​Pesticide ​credits ​are ​available ​for ​Core, ​Category ​3 ​(Fruits ​& ​Vegetables) ​and ​Category ​5 ​(Greenhouse). 

​A ​continental ​breakfast, ​buffet ​lunch ​and ​USB ​memory ​stick ​with ​all ​of ​the ​available ​conference ​handouts ​are ​included ​as ​a ​part ​of ​your ​registration ​fee. ​ ​

How to Register

Online (preferred method)

• Fast & easy.
• Pay with your credit card.
• Receive an emailed confirmation that you are registered for the conference.
• Go to Online Registration Website

By Mail 

Print off a registration form.
• Make your check payable to OSU Extension.
• Mail your registration and check to:

Ohio State University Extension
Warren County
320 E. Silver Street
Lebanon, OH 45036

No confirmation will be sent to you, if you register by mail.