Sponsored by: The Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees, Inc.

Ohio entries must be submitted directly to the state office by midnight, February 16, 2017.
Essay Topic
“How can MP3 (Managed Pollinator Protection Plan) more effectively protect honey bees from pesticide exposure?”
Beekeeping has had its five minutes of fame for the past seven years. Now more than ever, the general public along with beekeepers are asking “What will happen if the bees are gone?” With the continued threat of pesticides, this is a very real question. Your paper should research and help answer this question.
Beekeeping has had its five minutes of fame for the past seven years. Now more than ever, the general public along with beekeepers are asking “What will happen if the bees are gone?” With the continued threat of pesticides, this is a very real question. Your paper should research and help answer this question.
Survey your community to see what is being done. Include your state in your survey to see if there are any programs they are using for pollination or any other program that could aid the honey bee.
The scope of the research is an essential judging criterion, accounting for 40% of your score. The number of sources consulted, the authority of the sources, and the variety of the sources are all evaluated.
Personal interviews with beekeepers and others familiar with the subject are valued sources of information and should be documented. Sources, which are not cited in the endnotes, should be listed in a “Resources” or “Bibliography” list.
Note that “honey bee” is properly spelled as two words, even though many otherwise authoritative references spell it as one word.
Rules Overview
Failure to meet any one of the requirements will result in a disqualification.
- The state selection must be done through the 4-H system. Essay submissions to the Ohio State 4-H Office are due at midnight, February 16, 2017. Submit electronic copy to jinks.2@osu.edu.
- Preparation for National Judging: Typewritten or computer- generated double-spaced, 12pt. Times or similar type style, on one side of white paper following standard manuscript format.
- Must submit an essay, 750 to 1000 words, on the essay topic
Essays will be judged on:
(a) scope of research- 40%;
(b) accuracy- 30%;
(c) creativity- 10%;
(d) conciseness- 10%; and
(e) logical development of the topic- 10% - All factual statements must be referenced with bibliographical-style endnotes.
- On a separate page, please include a brief biographical sketch of the essayist, including birthdate, gender, complete mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone number, must accompany the essay.
- Each state may submit ONE entry only. Ohio will submit its entry by March 3, 2017.
- Final judging and selection of the National Winner will be made by the Foundation’s Essay Committee, whose decision is final.
- National winners will be announced by the week of May 1st, 2017.
- All National entries become the property of the Foundation and may be published or used as it sees fit. No essays will be returned.
Contest is open to active 4-H Club members only. 4-H’ers who have previously placed first, second, or third at the National level are NOT eligibility; but other state winners are eligible to re-enter. Students must write on the designated subject only. There will be NO exceptions.
First Prize | $750.00 |
Second Prize | $500.00 |
Third Prize | $250.00 |
* National winners' essays will appear in an issue of the American Beekeeping Federation's Newletter. | |
* Each State Winner, including the National Winners, receives an appropriate book about honey bees, beekeeping, or honey. |