Rabbit Tattooing - Non-Market only

Tuesday, June 4, 2019 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Warren County Fairgrounds, Bldg C
All rabbits must be owned and in the possession of the 4-H'er by May 1, 2019.
All rabbits must be tattooed prior to completion of Fair Entry forms. Entries will not be accepted without a tattoo number.  
(Exception: Babies in the Doe & Litter class do not need to be tattooed.)
Non-Market rabbits being shown at the Warren County Fair must have an identifying tattoo.  You may have your non-market rabbits tattooed anywhere.  
The Warren County Junior Fair Board is providing this opportunity to have your rabbits tattooed.  
Money earned (after expenses) will be used for an activity for all rabbit exhibitors during the fair.
Please note that MARKET RABBITS MUST be tattooed on July 1 to compete at the 2019 County Fair.