Horse Safety & Ethics Training

Thursday, May 19, 2022 - 6:30pm
Warren County Fairgrounds

All 4-H members taking equine projects for the first time are required to participate in a mandatory one-time horse safety and ethics program.  Members who have not previously completed the Horse Safety & Ethics program are required to purchase the Horse Safety resource book (#191R) and attend a 2-hour training with a parent or legal guardian.

As in the past, this training is only offered ONCE this year.  This training is a requirement to show and participate in the 4-H equine program.  Failure to complete the training will result in the member’s ineligibility to participate in any 4-H equine events.  This applies to all horse, mule, donkey, and miniature horse projects.  Though attendance is strongly encouraged, members taking the Horseless Horse project (#173) are exempt from this requirement.